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Work From Home Productivity Tools and Tricks

By June 4, 2020May 17th, 2024Tech Tips
Man working from home with his dog on a couch.

For many, the current work-from-home situation has blurred the line between work and life. It’s beginning to seem like everything is “from home”.

My wife and I were deciding on a virtual Summer camp for my daughter, who will also be working at my wife’s wellness studio (also virtual). As I was writing this I was thinking “haha, my daughter can start to pay us rent”. I quickly realized that we’d be paid with our own money, which didn’t have the same appeal.

I had to drop something off to them at the studio the other morning. As I walked in, my daughter started to pack up her things. I asked what she was doing and she replied “the boss said to have a good day so I’m goin’ home”! We laughed hysterically, and then it hit me how absolutely crucial it is to make your WFH experience the best it can be, and how important the right habits and tools are. Good habits can not only set you up for success and make you more productive, they can also help alleviate stress and help define more of a division between your work and home life.

Below is a list of our top work from home productivity tips:

  1. Set a morning routine: Get up early, take a shower, make your coffee and breakfast, and prepare your lunch. This will help keep some normalcy to your routine.
  2. Get dressed: This will signal that it is time to get things done and help get you in “work mode”.
  3. Designate a workspace: This will help keep the separation between work and home physical as well as help limit distractions.
  4. Set clearly defined working hours: Stick with your regular hours for consistency and if you live with other people establish boundaries to cut down on distractions. Then disconnect and spend time fully with the people you care about.
  5. Do your “commute”: Committing to a routine will help brain prepare for work and also unwind after. I go for a walk before I start work and after I end each day.
  6. Invest in tech / comfortable setup: Noise cancelling headphones, an ergonomic chair, and a laptop stand can make a world of difference.
  7. Communicate with others on your team: This is a new situation for everyone. Don’t hesitate to talk about struggles or things you may need. Communication also helps from keeping us socially isolated.
  8. Take a walk and stretch: Exercise naturally boosts endorphins, which increase happiness, enjoyment, and interest levels, all of which are important for productivity.
  9. Take lunch in an area other than the one you work: Eat with the kids/spouse, step outside or go for a walk. Do something that will get you away from your computer and give you time to decompress and rejuvenate.
  10. Hold yourself accountable: You’re in charge of your environment and you should treat yourself like an employee. Grade yourself honestly at the end of each day and set clear goals and objectives.

In the words of Australian actor F.M. Alexander: “People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.”

It’s true, the things we do on a daily basis are sometimes so granular that they seem meaningless. However, it’s the small details that make the biggest impact over time. Pay attention to your daily habits and if you have any tips of your own, reach out. We’d love to hear them.

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