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The New Age of Remote Work Is Here. Let’s Make It Awesome.

By May 26, 2021May 21st, 2024IT Insight

As America “reopens” and we move back to business as usual, we should expect what is considered usual will change. The reality is that many workers enjoy remote work. Forbes recently cited a FlexJob survey that says 65% of respondents want to become full-time remote employees post-pandemic. 

Is Remote Work a Good Thing?

It can be as long as you have the tools and mindset to adapt. Consider a few reasons why the remote work revolution makes sense:

  • Employee satisfaction: Having more work/life balance and flexibility in work schedules makes people love their jobs even more.
  • Expanded talent pool: You can recruit the best and brightest talent worldwide when geography isn’t a determining factor.
  • Less infrastructure cost: Businesses can scale back or eliminate the overhead associated with real estate and maintaining office space.
  • Reduce carbon emissions: Less commuting means fewer cars on the road emitting greenhouse gases from their tailpipes.

Not convinced? Global Workplace Analytics says that workplace distraction costs businesses $600 billion per year. That is one of many compelling reasons they say the future workplace is remote.

The question is: how can you make it work for your business? Read on for a few considerations.

Communication & Collaboration Tools

The strategies that worked in the office don’t necessarily serve your remote workforce. Remote workers don’t have someone sitting next to them or across the hall to ask a question or collaborate on a project. That’s where communications tools like messaging apps and project management solutions become critical. Here are a few tools recommended by NY Times Wirecutter to consider. 

Seamless Technology Experience

Ensure that your enterprise’s remote technology experience is just as user-friendly as your in-office solutions. That is one upside of the pandemic. Many businesses have found new solutions to make remote access easier. If you haven’t invested, consider it. Your remote workforce will thank you. 

As your technology partner, this is an area where we can jump in and offer solutions. Talk to us about your ambitions and challenges, and we can work with your team to make sure solutions work with your technology.

Productivity & Accountability Processes

Many managers have changed their approach from watching time entries and hours to focusing on results and outcomes. It’s a great shift that eliminates some of the micromanagement that has plagued businesses historically. What matters at the end of the day is a job well done on time and on budget. 

The bottom line: remote workers are as productive as people working in the office. Forbes says that 55% of workers say their productivity increased when working at home. How do you make sure people are getting the job done? Put a process in place where people either communicate status and assignments. Use project management systems to make sure tasks are in process. 

There’s Opportunity in Remote

The remote revolution is an opportunity to think differently about business. It can be hard to break away from “the way it’s always been done.” But, the pandemic has forced us to rethink how we interact in our world. So, why go back to old patterns if a remote workforce could serve your business well?   

Related Reads: How to Maintain a Strong Company Culture with a Remote Workforce