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Get to Know: Steven Bradley

By July 23, 2024Team Profiles
Introducing our new employee, Steven.

Meet Steven, Service Delivery Technician with Calyx.

What value do you bring to our clients?

Customer Service, Customer Service, and Customer Service! After managing a big box retail store for 4-5 years, it seems like customer service is all I know sometimes! I strive for excellent customer experiences and seek to not only meet customer expectations, but absolutely blow them away every time!

What/who inspires you?

I obviously take inspiration from my parents who have, for the most part, given me all the tools and a lot of skills to be successful in many aspects of life. In the tech world, I take inspiration from my best friend, Chase. Chase made his decision back in 2020 to get into the tech world and is now a very successful Tier II Systems Analyst for the Cleveland Clinic. When I finally made the decision to start pursuing a career in IT towards the end of 2023, Chase was (and still is) someone that has offered me tons of knowledge and has held me accountable in my pursuit of higher education in the IT field.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Outside of work, I try to spend at least an hour a day pursuing higher education to make myself a better tech, slowly but surely. As far as hobbies go, I enjoy golfing, playing drums, and watching the Browns, Guardians and Cavs games. When the weather isn’t so nice outside though, you can more than likely find me staying in and gaming with the boys for the night!