Our Process

Discover the benefits of our one-of-a-kind process for IT services.

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We get it right

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We do it right

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We keep it right

Do You Wish There Was a Better Way?

At Calyx, we’re creating a better way for businesses to reach their potential by combining the right people, processes and technology. Our mandate is simply put, but backed by deep intentionality: Get it right. Do it right. Keep it right.

The Customer Journey Process - Calyx IT

Getting It Right

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As consumers, we all know what it’s like when a service provider doesn’t get it right. From the haircut that doesn’t look like what we asked for to the coffee that isn’t what we ordered.

These kinds of misfires happen when service providers aren’t listening to what you need or want. To get it right with our clients, the Calyx team focuses from the get-go on you and your organization’s needs.

If we’re a good match for you, philosophically, technically and financially, we propose services and solutions based on where your organization is now and where you want it to go.

Trusted IT Company in Cleveland - Calyx IT

Doing It Right

With the go-ahead from you, our team gets to work on implementing, testing, training and double- and triple-checking the solutions we recommend. From setting up new systems to obliterating those annoying glitches that happen over and over again, we are laser-focused on bringing you the high-performance technology that is exactly what you need.

Keeping It Right

Every MSP will tell you they can fix problems that pop up (we do that, too), but at Calyx, we have a different mindset and structure: For us, “keeping it right” means constantly looking ahead for ways to improve your organization’s productivity, efficiency and agility. After all, when everything’s clicking for your business, it makes our job easier and allows us to dig into the meaningful stuff: Like finding new opportunities for your organization to soar with the help of innovation and a proven process.

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The “Who” Is Just as Important as the “How”

When you partner with Calyx, who will be in your corner?

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    A dedicated service advocate who does just that: consistently advocates for you and your organizational goals.

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    Our service architect. Unlike any other MSP, we have a team member whose sole job is to look for better ways to accomplish goals through technology. This investment in R & D shows we’re committed to moving our clients forward.

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    Service specialists who want to make you happy and stress-free 24/7/365.

You’ll get to know your team (and they’ll know you), but even behind the scenes, everyone (and we mean Every. One.) at Calyx shares this mission: To create a better way for people to leverage technology and achieve new potential.

Is your business ready to reach its full potential?

Putting the Serve Back in Managed Services

At the end of the day, we’re people serving people. We just happen to serve our customers by providing them with technology we believe in. If your current MSP is all about the hardware and software, and lacking in curiosity and authentic human interactions, you and your coworkers deserve better.

Eliminate complexity, streamline your operations and achieve more with IT that performs better.

Find Peace of Mind

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Tell us your tech headaches and goals

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Get a customized plan for expert services and solutions

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Love your IT again with an MSP that makes you feel special